How Do I Prepare For A Telephone Interview?

How Do I Prepare For A Telephone Interview?

Have you ever received a call that had the potential to change your career? Nowadays, many companies prefer to conduct telephone interviews with the initial pool of applicants before selecting a smaller group to do in-person interviews with. Despite the fact that you might think a phone interview sounds simpler than a formal interview, there are still many things to consider. You probably spoke with a recruiting professional rather than your hiring manager during this telephone interview. A telephone interview is a very crucial aspect of your job hunt. If everything goes as planned, the recruiter will move you to the next level of screening process. In this blog, we’ll provide tips to help you prepare for and crack phone interviews. Here’s how to prepare for a telephone interview and land your ideal job! 

How To Prepare For A Telephone Interview?

When applying for a job, a phone interview is typically conducted first. You can prepare for it by yourself, or you can reach out to the institutes that provide software training and placement. Check out these tips to prepare for your pre-interview and ensure you are ready. 

Get Clear On The Interview Details

Once your phone interview has been scheduled, don’t forget to draft an email to confirm your interview before you forget all the details. It’s always a good idea to confirm a phone interview via email to ensure everyone is aware of the time and date. Additionally, it gives you a professional impression and demonstrates your respect for the interviewer’s schedule. 

You should be aware of the following details before the phone interview: 

  • At what time will the recruiter contact you? (be sure to check!)
  • Who is going to call you, and what is the position they possess?
  • Your contact number, on which the recruiter will reach you. 
  • The company’s additional contact information in case the call is disconnected

Feel free to ask the hiring team if any of this information needs to be clarified during your initial call or email. 

Do Your Research

Having a solid understanding of the business is crucial, even though the telephone interview is just a simple check. Before starting your phone interview, invest a few hours researching the company. What do they accomplish? Who are their closest competitors and intended markets? Where is the business headed? Consider how you can contribute to the company and where you might fit in. 

Find out more about the company. Explore their website, try Google to find some of the latest information, read reviews of their employees on other websites, and check their social media. 

Research Common Interview Questions 

Make sure to practice common questions for the phone interview. Begin by contacting those within your network who previously worked or interviewed for the company and asking about possible interview questions. You should be ready to answer a distinct set of questions depending on the position that you have applied for. Check out the top 20 interview questions and learn how to respond. 

Pick A Good Spot

Businesses typically let you know ahead of time when they plan to call. Pick a space where you can converse quietly. Turn off the radio and TV, stay away from the children, lock the door from inside, and turn off all notifications on your laptop or phone. Inform your family members so that they will not interrupt you when the interview is going on. 

If you are in a public place, turn your back to the wall or stay away from windows to avoid being distracted by passersby or other activities. Use headphones, and that’s important! They will help you reduce background noise and increase your ability to concentrate solely on the conversation. 

Prepare A Cheat Sheet

It would help if you didn’t let all these details remain in your head. Nervousness often causes us to freeze, so why put yourself in a position where you forget everything? Cheat sheets are especially helpful if you are concerned that you may become tense during the conversation and forget important details that you want to convey to the interviewer. In fact, having your notes close by helps you feel more at ease throughout the call. 

A cheat sheet might contain important notes, your research, your prepared answers, your questions, etc. When preparing your document, review the job description again and write points of discussion that will help you prove why you’re an ideal candidate for the business. 

Keep Important Documents On Hand

Along with your cheat sheet, you should have a copy of your resume and cover letter, your certificates, and any additional details you believe you will need. Have a pen and paper near you to take important notes during the interview. 

Dress The Part

You can certainly take a phone interview in your pyjamas, but dressing the part will only boost your confidence. So, instead of wearing sweatpants, choose attire that makes you believe you’re the type of person who might excel at this job. Or, at the very least, an outfit that is both comfortable and professional. 

Maintain A Good Attitude

Even if the recruiter cannot see you, he or she can sense the way you feel over the phone conversation. Your voice will express how cheerful, lively, and energetic you are. Since you cannot see the person conducting the interview, you must pay close attention to ensure you comprehend what they’re saying because it’s easier to misinterpret what someone says when you are in different places. 

Prepare To Ask Some Questions

It’s crucial to ask your own questions. Interviews must be held at both ends! The interviewer typically asks if you have any questions to ask them towards the end of your telephone interview session. Try to ask some questions. For example, here are some questions you might ask the recruiter.

  • What are the responsibilities of this position?
  • Is there a chance for promotion or professional advancement?
  • What sort of standards will be used to evaluate my performance?

These questions will provide you with vital information about the organization. It also demonstrates to the hiring people that you feel passionate and enthusiastic about working for them. Finally, inquire about the next stage in the recruitment process. 

Even if the interview didn’t go well, don’t forget to say thank you. After the interview, some professionals suggest leaving the interviewer a quick message of gratitude.

Have A Restful Sleep

It’s crucial that you feel awake and refreshed throughout the duration of the phone interview. It’s not an excellent start if you appear sleep-deprived because the interviewer will probably be able to hear how exhausted you sound over the phone. Turn off electronics a couple of hours before bed to get ready for an excellent night’s sleep. 


The typical duration of a phone interview is about 15 minutes to 1 hour. Although you speak on the phone a lot, you won’t be able to succeed in a phone interview with that experience. You may present your best self and advance to your next level of interviews by being prepared for a telephone interview. So remember these tips to go a step closer to the job. 

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