WordPress Training In Chennai

Best Seller

Infycle Technologies offers comprehensive WordPress training in Chennai for individuals and businesses. Our experienced instructors will teach you how to create and manage websites using WordPress, the world's most popular content management system. Sign up for our WordPress training today and take your web development skills to the next level! You'll learn everything from the basics of WordPress installation to advanced techniques like custom theme development and plugin creation. With our flexible schedules and personalized attention, you'll have the tools and knowledge you need to succeed in today's digital world.

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Learn WordPress

And Get Placed As An WordPress Expert in Reputed Companies

    10000+ Students Trained & Placed On MNC's
    100% Practical Sessions with Real-time projects
    100+ Top trending courses precisely formulated.
    80+ Certified and Industrial expert trainers

    WordPress Training In Chennai - Why Infycle Technologies?

    Infycle Technologies is the premier destination for WordPress training in Chennai. Here are just a few reasons why you should choose us for your web development education:


    • Expert Instructors: Our WordPress instructors are experts in their field, with years of experience in creating and managing websites using WordPress. They have a passion for teaching and will work with you one-on-one to ensure that you have a solid understanding of all the concepts and techniques you need to succeed.
    • Hands-On Learning: At Infycle Technologies, we believe that doing is the best way to learn. That’s why we offer hands-on WordPress training that allows you to practice your skills in a real-world setting. You’ll work on projects relevant to your goals and interests, giving you practical experience that you can apply to your website or business.
    • Flexible Schedules: We understand that everyone has a different schedule and learning style. That’s why we offer flexible schedules that can be customized to fit your needs. We can accommodate your preferences, whether you prefer to learn in a group setting or one-on-one with an instructor.
    • Placement Assistance: Our goal is to help you succeed in your WordPress training and your career. That’s why we offer placement assistance to our students. We work closely with leading companies in Chennai and beyond to help you find the right job.


    At Infycle Technologies, we are committed to providing high-quality WordPress training tailored to your needs. We offer a supportive learning environment, personalized attention, and the necessary resources to succeed. Sign up for our WordPress training today and start building your dream website!

    Key Features Of WordPress Training In Chennai

    Exclusive Practical Training

    Infycle offers 100% WordPress training that ensures the best knowledge transfer, improving the student's skills and knowledge. This course will offer both online and offline sessions.

    100% Placement Guidance

    The course have a strong placement support system that helps students to find suitable job opportunities in WordPress. It includes resume building, interview preparation etc.

    Trending Courses

    The trainers for the course are industry experts with years of experience in WordPress. They are able to provide insights into the current trends and practices in the field.

    Certificate Course With Infycle Technologies!

    May 1stMon-Fri(21 Days)
    Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)
    Enroll Now
    Jun 1stMon-Fri(21 Days)
    Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)
    Enroll Now
    Jul 1stMon-Fri(21 Days)
    Timing 07:00 AM to 09:00 AM (IST)
    Enroll Now

    Course Price At

    โ‚น 15,000 โ‚น20,000

    20% OFF Expires In

    Enroll Now

    The Importance Of WordPress Training In Chennai For Your Career Growth!

    ย If you’re interested in a career in web development or digital marketing, WordPress training is essential to your education. Here are just a few reasons why:


    • In-Demand Skill: WordPress is the world’s most popular content management system, used by millions of websites around the globe. As a result, employers are always looking for skilled WordPress developers and designers. By mastering WordPress, you’ll be able to position yourself as a valuable asset to any company.
    • Career Flexibility: WordPress is used in a wide variety of industries, from e-commerce to publishing to non-profit organizations. This means that many different career paths are available to you as a WordPress expert. Whether you want to work for a large corporation or start your own business, WordPress training can help you achieve your goals.
    • Creative Freedom: WordPress allows you to create beautiful, customized websites without needing to know how to code. With the right training, you’ll be able to design websites that reflect your creative vision while also meeting the needs of your clients or customers.
    • Continued Learning: WordPress is constantly evolving, with new plugins, themes, and features being released all the time. By staying up-to-date with WordPress training, you’ll be able to stay ahead of the curve and continue learning throughout your career.


    At Infycle Technologies, we understand the importance of WordPress training for your career growth. That’s why we offer comprehensive WordPress courses that are designed to give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance your career, our WordPress training can help you achieve your goals.ย 


    Contact us today to learn more!

    Interested In Building Life-Changing Career? Let's Get In Touch!

    Join Infycle To Learn The Technology For A Bright Career!

    What Makes Infycle Technologies Unique For WordPress Training In Chennai?

    At Infycle Technologies, our WordPress training stands out from the rest. Here’s why:


    • Industry Expert Instructors: Our WordPress instructors are not only experienced educators, but they also have extensive industry experience. They have worked with various clients and businesses, so they understand the challenges and opportunities of building a successful website. They use this knowledge to provide practical, real-world instruction that will help you succeed in your career.
    • Customized Curriculum: We understand that everyone has different goals and learning styles. That’s why we offer customized WordPress training that is tailored to your needs. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, we can help you achieve your goals.
    • Interactive Learning Environment: At Infycle Technologies, we understand that active participation is the best way to learn. That’s why we offer an interactive learning environment for our WordPress training, allowing you to engage with and apply the material in real-world situations. You’ll work on projects that are relevant to your interests and career goals, gaining practical experience that will set you apart from other candidates in the job market.
    • Career Development Support: Our commitment to your success doesn’t end with your completion of our WordPress training. We offer career development support to all of our students, helping them to connect with employers and find job opportunities that match their skills and interests. Our placement services are designed to give you a competitive edge in the job market and help you advance in your career.


    At Infycle Technologies, we are committed to providing the best possible WordPress training for our students. Our unique approach combines industry expertise, customized curriculum, hands-on learning, and placement assistance to help you achieve your career goals. With our WordPress training, you’ll be able to build your skills, grow your career, and earn more. Contact us today to learn more!

    Enroll Now For Comprehensive WordPress Training In Chennai

    Don’t miss out on the opportunity to take your web development skills to the next level. At Infycle Technologies, we offer comprehensive WordPress training that is tailored to your needs and career goals. With our expert instructors, hands-on learning, and placement assistance, you’ll have everything you need to succeed in today’s digital world. Enrol now to start your journey towards becoming a WordPress expert and take the first step towards advancing your career. We’d love to hear from you!

    Learn WordPress

    And Get Placed As An WordPress Expert in Reputed Companies

    Build Your Future Dream With Us!

    We optimize the effective skills and ability in you. Join us today for best opportunities!

      Our Course Previlege

      WordPress Training In Chennai

      Master The Art Of WordPress With Infycle Technologies
      Course NameWordPress Training
      Skill LevelBeginner, Intermediate, Advanced
      Total Learners10000+
      Course Duration500 Hours
      Course Material
      • Class Room Training’s
      • Online Training’s
      • Webinars
      • Assignments
      • Projects
      Student Portalย  ย  Yes
      Placement Assistanceย  ย  ย Yes

      Basic Basics of WordPress

      In our WordPress training course, you’ll learn about the fundamentals of WordPress installation, configuration, and website setup. You’ll understand how to set up your website and create your first WordPress website with ease.

      Customization Techniques

      With our WordPress training course, you’ll be able to master website customization techniques to create customized WordPress themes. You’ll learn how to create stunning websites that reflect your brand and meet your client’s needs.

      Advanced Plugin Development

      In our WordPress training course, you’ll discover how to develop custom WordPress plugins to enhance website functionality. You’ll learn how to create plugins that can automate tasks, add new features, and more, giving your website a competitive edge.

      E-commerce Website Development

      Our WordPress training course covers e-commerce website development using WooCommerce, the most popular e-commerce plugin for WordPress. You’ll learn how to create an online store that meets your business needs, from product listings to payment gateway integration.

      Time & Duration Of The Course: SEO Training

      Learn SEO At Your Convenience With Infycle Technologies

      Weekend Batch

      Join our weekend batch and learn WordPress at your own pace.

      Online Course

      Take our WordPress training course online and learn from the comfort of your own home.

      Weekday Batch

      Learn WordPress on weekdays and balance your work and learning schedule.

      Demo And Consulting For The WordPress Training Course In Chennai

      Get A Preview Of Our Course And Expert Consulting From Infycle Technologies
      Live Session

      Attend a live demo session and interact with our instructors in real time.

      Course Content Preview

      Get a preview of our course content and see what you will learn.

      Q&A Session

      Have any questions about the course? Our instructors are here to answer them.

      Grab the knowledge of Experts!

      Infycle gives the best and excellent knowledge to upgrade your knowledge.
      Top Rated Experts

      Our instructors at Infycle are skilled experts with more than 10+ years of practical expertise. Students will be trained and enlightened with the latest techniques and sophisticated capabilities in the digital industry.

      Friendly Training Session

      Our training sessions at Infycle promote a learning atmosphere that allows students to feel comfortable in their lessons. This encouraging environment makes it easier for the students to understand the technical concepts without any difficulties.

      Active Training

      Our trainers will go beyond the conventional classroom sessions to design interesting, never boring interactive project oriented sessions. For a comprehensive and active learning approach, we provide assignments, IT projects, and mock interviews.

        Get Certified With Infycle Technologies

        Stand Out In The Crowd With Our SEO Certification
        Validate Your Skills

        Our certification separates you in a highly competitive job market by offering solid evidence of your abilities and expertise. Companies prefer certified candidates because they show a strong dedication to their career.

        Boost Your Credibility

        Your reputation as an WordPress expert will be enhanced by getting certification from Infycle Technologies, which shows your commitment to lifelong learning and professional advancement. It strengthens your reputation as an industry authority and gives you a certain advantage over other candidates.

        Frequently Asked Questions

        What Is WordPress?

        WordPress is a content management system that allows users to create and manage websites. It is the most popular website-building platform in the world, with millions of websites built on WordPress.

        Who Can Join The WordPress Training Course?

        Anyone who is interested in learning how to build and manage websites using WordPress can join our training course. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced web developer, our course is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed.

        What Is The Duration Of The WordPress Course?

        The duration of our WordPress course varies depending on the type of course you choose. We offer weekend and weekday batches, as well as online courses. Contact us to learn more about the duration of our courses.

        How Can I Enrol In The WordPress Training Course?

        Enrolling in our WordPress training course is easy. Simply contact us via phone or email, and our team will guide you through the enrollment process.

        Is Placement Assistance Provided After Completing The Course?

        Yes, we offer placement assistance to our students. We work closely with leading companies in Chennai and beyond to connect our graduates with top employers, ensuring that they have the best possible chance of success.

        At Infycle Technologies, we are committed to providing the best possible WordPress training in Chennai. Our course is designed to provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical skills to excel in the field of WordPress development.

        Quick enquiry!

        Get the expert’s guidance with advanced knowledge to help you move towards a bright future in your career.

        Contact us


        Some of the student's review about the training!
        Is a place where we can explore technical knowledge and the way they are giving training in a friendly manner... hope 'll be a technically sound person ASAP.

        Jasmine Soundarya

        Web Developer

        Best place for learning and good placement facility. The Oracle sessions was so good, learned a lots from the trainers. An awesome learning experience from the highly skilled Oracle trainers. It was a great classes understood all concepts with practical Assignments.

        Chris Jerry

        Oracle Administrator

        Simply I would say that it is a great place to learn and gain more knowledge. Tutor Friendly A good place where you sit and explore many things. When you step out, you would finally know where you stand. Proud to be part of Infycle.

        Vanmathi R

        Cloud Practitioner

        In a short time, u'll gain a technical knowledge based on selection of ur course. Bcz they covered d topics almost with an advanced. Teaching well..I kinda like the environment to study here. Lastly, if u've given d more tasks & clarification session, it would be helpful too.

        Santhana Kumar

        Java Developer

        SEO Course In Chennai - Syllabus

        Introduction to WordPress

        • Overview of WordPress
        • Installing WordPress
        • Setting up a development environment

        WordPress Basics

        • Dashboard and Admin Area
        • Posts vs Pages
        • Media Library
        • Themes
        • Plugins

        Creating Content in WordPress

        • Creating and editing posts
        • Creating and editing pages
        • Using the block editor
        • Adding images and videos
        • Managing categories and tags

        Customizing WordPress

        • Customizing the theme
        • Using widgets and menus
        • Adding custom code
        • Creating custom post types and taxonomies

        Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for WordPress

        • Understanding SEO
        • Keyword research and analysis
        • On-page optimization
        • Off-page optimization
        • Measuring and tracking SEO performance

        WordPress Security

        • Overview of WordPress security
        • Best practices for securing your site
        • Understanding WordPress vulnerabilities
        • Securing your WordPress site with plugins and tools

        WordPress Maintenance

        • Backing up your site
        • Updating WordPress, themes, and plugins
        • Troubleshooting common issues
        • Cleaning up and optimizing your site

        Advanced WordPress Topics

        • Multisite WordPress
        • WordPress eCommerce
        • WordPress API and development
        • Customizing WordPress with PHP and JavaScript

        Learn WordPress

        And Get Placed As An WordPress Expert In Reputed Companies

        Certificate List

        Earn a professional certificate from top universities and institutions including Harvard, MIT, Microsoft and more.

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        Student testimonials

        We are very proud of the service we provide and stand by every training we carry. Read our testimonials from our successful students.