Top 20 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers

Interviewing for your first job can be a nerve-wracking experience. What should you expect? What are some of the questions you might be asked? How should you prepare for the interview? Interviews are among the most stressful aspects of a job search. But also one of the most important. Here are the top 20 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers to crack the interview in the first attempt.

Is It Important To Anticipate Interview Questions and Answer for Freshers?

Interview preparation is an important part of getting a job. An interview can last anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours! That’s plenty of time for you to get nervous, so it’s best to be prepared. Many interviews will ask the same general questions, but each company has its own specific questions that they would like answered. Interviewers will ask about your experience with certain tasks and projects to see if you are qualified for the job.

In order to be able to prepare for an Top 20 Interview Questions and Answers for Freshers, you need to anticipate what questions could be asked. In contrast to a job interview, where the candidate is expected to know the answer to every question before the interviewer asks it, there are many interviews that involve a skills-based evaluation, which means that the interviewer may ask the same question to all candidates and use their responses as a way of evaluating how qualified they are for a position.

Here Are 20 Of The Most Common Interview Questions and Answers For Freshers:

Imagine you are a hiring manager. You want to hire the best employee for the job, but this is your first time doing it. How would you prepare the interview questions and answers for freshers? 

The best way to get a leg-up on the competition is by learning what interviewers are looking for in the interview process. In this article, we’ll cover top 20 interview questions and answers for freshers.

1. Tell Me About Yourself

Interviewers are often faced with the question, “Tell me about yourself.” While some candidates are content to answer this question with a few sentences highlighting their education and professional experience, others can feel stumped when it comes to talking about themselves. 

This question is an invitation for the top 20 interview question and answers for freshers, which describes what you do and why you are qualified for the position. This is the most crucial question in an interview because it forces you to communicate what you value, what you like, and how your skills match the available job openings.

Sample Answer:

My name is Rajini, and I have done B.E in IIT Madras. I am a perfectionist and dedicated person and like to code and test it, debug it and make it run. And also, I like the coding very much. For that, I love my life volunteering to help people in need, who needs to take the Full Stack Developer Course in Chennai. If you want to know more about me, feel free to ask!

2. Why Should We Hire You?

Answering this question will give you a chance to show more of your personality and make a better impression. In addition, it is very likely that you will also be asked questions about your background and experience, so prepare answers for those as well.

The interviewer might be looking for someone who can make a strong impression on customers or coworkers, or they might want to know what makes you tick and how you operate. Whatever the reason, this is a chance to sell yourself and show off your skills. 

Sample Answer:

I have the exact skills needed for this role. I have obtained many certifications in [your skills, e.g., Java] to keep my skillset up to date and exceed industry expectations. Also, I am very motivated and always willing to do more than is expected of me. One of my main qualities is that I’m an excellent team player. I can work well with anyone and know how to get along with all different types of people.

3. What Are Your Strengths?

This question asks about your skills and abilities that make you a good candidate for the job. It asks you to identify them then describe how they are beneficial to the company. These qualities can be anything from leadership skills, teamwork skills, mathematics skills, etc.

Some of the most popular answers to this question are creativity, leadership, humor, empathy, and intelligence. These answers vary for everyone; however, there is no right or wrong answer.

Sample Answer:

I am proficient in programming languages such as Java and Python, equipping me to develop efficient and innovative solutions. My programming expertise guarantees I can contribute to the development of cutting-edge software products, enhancing the company’s technological capabilities. Additionally, I have a proven track record of leadership demonstrated through my role as the team lead in a university coding competition, where our team won first place.

4. What Are Your Weaknesses?

Employers these days are looking for employees who know their strengths but also appreciate their weaknesses. This is because they want to make sure that there is someone at work who actively does things that they are not good at. 

Weaknesses can be a complex topic. Some people might say that they don’t have any weaknesses because they feel like they excel in everything. But we all have weaknesses, and we should know what they are. 

Sample Answer:

One area I’ve been working on is my tendency to be overly self-critical. While I believe in striving for excellence, I set very high standards for myself, which leads to unnecessary stress. I’ve been practising mindfulness techniques and seeking mentor feedback to address this. By focusing on constructive criticism and acknowledging my achievements, I’m learning to balance self-improvement and self-acceptance better. This process has not only helped me personally but has also enhanced my overall productivity and teamwork skills. 

5. What Are Your Long-term Goals?

It discusses the importance of identifying what your long-term goals are, understanding your values, and asking yourself if you have a gap in between these two things.

The answer to this question is a bit difficult. It depends on what the person wants. Some people want the job they have now, while others want a different career or goal set altogether. If you are a high school student, you may not know what you want yet. There are many different options from which to choose.

Sample Answer:

My long-term goal is to become a renowned CMO for developing innovative, data-driven campaigns. I plan to achieve this by enhancing my skills in digital marketing, social media analytics, and market research. I am eager to align my growth with the company’s marketing strategies, contributing to increased brand visibility and revenue. My aim is to bring creativity and strategic insight to every project, fostering both personal and company success.

6. What Are Your Short-Term Goals?

The answer to this question should be concise, honest, and show the interviewer that you’re willing to grow in a new position.

Your short-term goals can be a roadmap of where you want to go. Setting realistic goals is important when it comes to being successful. You can use these goals to create a plan with steps that will help you get there.

Sample Answer:

In the short term, my specific goal is to enhance my proficiency in data analysis tools like Excel and SQL. By mastering these tools within the first few months, I aim to contribute immediately to ongoing data projects. These advanced skills will allow me to deliver valuable insights and analyses, aligning my contributions with the company’s data-driven objectives. Moreover, I plan to attend relevant industry workshops to stay updated with the latest data analysis techniques, to continuous improvement at the workplace.

7. How Do You Handle Stress/ Pressure?

Stress is something that everyone has to handle at some point in time, but asking an interviewee about how they handle stress is more than just a question. It’s really a request for insight into the candidate’s personality – their ability to keep cool under pressure. 

It’s also not unusual for the interviewer to watch you closely while you are answering questions, so give eye contact when you are talking about tough topics like salary expectations or outside commitments.

Sample Answer:

There are times when I can tell when I’m getting stressed out. When this happens, I take five minutes to pay attention to my breath. I also do guide meditation in the morning before work.

8. Why Do You Want To Work Here?

Interviewers often ask candidates why they want to work for the company and how it suits their needs. Candidates need to show interest in the company and any specific positions they are qualified for. 

It is also important, to be honest about why you do not want to work at a company since this might help eliminate any potential future frustration as well as show that you know what you want without being too picky.

Sample Answer:

I enjoy meeting new people, learning about their lives and lifestyles, helping them to live healthier lives, and passing on my knowledge. _____ (company name) is offering me everything to grow in my career. 

9. What Do You Know About This Company?

We all know the importance of knowing about the company before interviewing for a job. You want to show that you are informed and not fly-by-night. 

However, many people feel awkward when they get these types of questions because they don’t have much knowledge about the company in question. In order to prepare for this type of question, some research is necessary.

Sample Answer:

I have been following _____ (company name) for quite some time now. I see immense opportunities for me in the ___ sector and am confident that I will be able to help the company with future challenges.

10. What Is Your Greatest Accomplishment?

When interviewed for a position, it is important to answer any questions the interviewer might ask. One question sometimes asked during an interview is, “What is your greatest accomplishment?” 

The best way to prepare for this question is to keep your resume handy and take note of any major accomplishments that are listed on it. It’s also important to decide what you want the interviewer to know about you based on your answer.

Sample Answer:

I’m incredibly proud of my final year project. Leading the team, we created a unique product using our skills and teamwork. The recognition I received was a fantastic motivation to continue giving my best in every project I undertake.

11. What Are Your Interests And Hobbies?

It is one of the most common questions in interviews. This will help the interviewer get an idea of who you are as a person, what type of work environment you would best fit in, and how much time off you need.

To answer this question, think of your favorite hobbies or personal interests. However, your interests or hobbies should reflect personality in you and must sound professional. 

Sample Answer:

I enjoy coding and building websites during my free time. In my spare time, I love playing team sports like football. To further nurture my personal growth, I read personality development books.

12. How Would You Handle a Disagreement With an Authority?

There are many ways to answer this interview questions for Freshers, but it is important to keep the following points in mind: be respectful, focus on how you will solve the issue, and make sure to know the relevant company policies. 

For example, if you disagree that overtime is necessary, then offer solutions on how to work within current time constraints. Answering it is the key to succeeding in many jobs that require cooperative relationships with colleagues or clients. This article will outline several methods for dealing with disagreement.

Sample Answer:

Disagreements in the workplace are normal. Just make sure to handle them in a professional manner. I would like to gently remind you that I disagree, and I can also explain why. 

13. If You Experience Conflict With Your Colleague, How Will You Manage?

Conflicts with co-workers are a topic most people dread. How do you handle conflicts at work? There is no one right way to deal with this problem, and it depends on the situation and the relationship.

It’s a universally accepted truth that, at some point in your career, you will have to work on a team with someone you don’t really get along with. How do you handle it? What if they start saying something about your work? What if they want to take credit for what you’ve done?

Sample Answer:

I will ensure that I fully understand their position before suggesting a compromise. In the event that this doesn’t work, I will ensure to document what happened and get their contact information for future correspondence.

14. How Would You Deal With a Complaint From a Customer?

This is a question any manager could be faced with at their job. In order to answer this question, it is important to know what kind of complaints are being dealt with. To start, it’s important to have an idea of the context of the situation. If it’s a one-time thing, then the solution may be as simple as apologizing and offering a refund or discount for the issue.

You can handle customer complaints in a variety of ways, but the following steps should serve as a starting point.

Sample Answer:

The cornerstone of any organization is its customers. When I receive a complaint, I will remain calm and composed and offer a solution, or, in some cases, I will apologize without promising a resolution.

15. Tell Me One Mistake You Regret

You know that feeling when you just can’t stop thinking about one little mistake that you made? It’s hard not to imagine all the different ways it might have been better if only you had done this or said that. 

Interviews are tough enough as is, and often we’re so focused on what we’re going to say next that we don’t even think about what could happen if we make a mistake.

Sample Answer:

There will always be mistakes made by people. In the past, my perfectionism has caused me to lose patience. I’m working to overcome the challenge by turning it into a skill.

16. What Motivates You?

Interviewers ask this question to get a better sense of you and what gets you excited. 

You may say that your main motivation is to do something that makes an impact on the world and work with people who share the same values as you. Additionally, you might mention how much you care about your family and want to provide for them and help them in any way you can.

Sample Answer:

I am motivated by achieving concrete goals. During my last internship, I successfully implemented an innovative project that streamlined our team’s communication processes, leading to a 20% increase in overall productivity. I stay updated with industry trends, attend workshops, and engage in online communities, enhancing my knowledge continuously. Your emphasis on sustainability deeply resonates with me. I believe that by contributing my skills and enthusiasm to a forward-thinking company like yours, I can not only achieve my career goals but also make a meaningful impact on the environment, which inspires a strong sense of purpose in my work.

17. How Did Your Teacher/ Previous Manager Describe You?

Interviewers are often looking for someone who will be a cultural fit for the company they are hiring. One question that is tough but also intriguing to many interviewees is what your teacher or previous manager would say about you. 

Not everyone has had insight into what their teachers or previous managers thought of them, so it can be difficult to answer this question. If you have not had an experience like this before, it can be difficult to come up with answers right away.

Sample Answer:

My previous manager described me as a “self-starter” and said that I’m “always looking for ways to improve the process.

18. What Are Your Salary Expectations?

  • Salary questions are hard, especially if you don’t know the job’s wage.
  • You may argue you’re flexible based on the total salary package, including perks.
  • The best way to answer this question is to use the industry average and answer with complete fairness.

Sample Answer:

I would like to be compensated for my work so that I can provide for myself and my family.

19. What Kind Of Work Environment Do You Expect?

The purpose of asking this question is to find out what you are expecting from the company and job.

In answering this question, you should consider the factors you actually want in a work environment. Mention positive qualities such as being friendly, cooperative, and so on. 

Sample Answer:

I would expect a work environment that is friendly and approachable. I would also expect the company to have a culture of trust and openness.

20. Do You Have Any Questions From Me/Us?

This question is frequently asked by interviewers to determine how well you’ve prepared for this interview. They are assessing your preparedness, passion, and willingness to cooperate with the organization.

Remember not to inquire about parties or trips. Avoid asking personal questions. Ask one question at a time and keep it conversational.

Sample Answer:

Do you have a specific schedule and method in place for performance evaluations? How soon would I receive my first review after being hired?

Apart from the following questions, here are the Five Bonus Question And Answer for making your preparation stronger!

1. Why Do You Want This Job?

“Why do you want this job?” This question is a great opportunity for freshers to showcase their interest in the company and the position. Explain your interest in the company, the position, and how it matches your career goals and aspirations.

By asking this question, employers are looking for candidates with a genuine interest in the company and the role they are applying for and a clear understanding of the job responsibilities and requirements.

Sample Answer:

I am impressed by the company’s commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction, which reflects my values. Moreover, this job will allow me to learn and grow professionally. I am excited about working with a team of experienced professionals who can mentor and guide me. I am also eager to apply my skills and knowledge to contribute to the company’s success. 

2. What Are You Passionate About? 

It’s a chance to show your personality and enthusiasm for something beyond your professional experience. It could be anything, like music, sports, art, volunteering, or even a particular industry or field of study. 

By expressing your passions and motivations, you can expose the interviewer that you are a well-rounded and enthusiastic candidate eager to learn and contribute to the organisation. However, avoid making generic or exaggerated statements that do not reflect your true interests or experiences.

Sample Answer:

I’m always trying to push myself and learn new things. I am very passionate about technology and innovation. It is fascinating how technology constantly evolves and changes the world around us. I enjoy keeping up with the latest trends and developments in the field and always look for opportunities to learn and explore new technologies. 

3. What Will You Do If You Don’t Get This Position?

When an interviewer asks you this question, they are trying to find out how you handle failure or difficulties and whether or not you’re worried about career growth chances.

The interviewer is not trying to discourage the candidate or create a negative atmosphere but rather to see how the candidate responds to challenging situations and approaches setbacks. The candidate must stay positive, show resilience, and demonstrate commitment to their career goals.

Sample Answer:

If I don’t get this position, I will take it as a learning experience and reflect on what I can do better. I will ask for feedback from the interviewer on my strengths and weaknesses and use that to improve my interview skills for future opportunities. Additionally, I will continue my job search and look for other roles that align with my skills and career goals.

4. How Would You Be An Asset To This Company?

The interviewer asks, to understand how the candidate’s skills, and qualifications would contribute to the company’s success.

The interviewer is looking for a confident, well-prepared, and knowledgeable response from the candidate. The candidate should demonstrate their understanding of the company’s mission, values, and goals and explain how their skills align with them. 

The candidate should also provide specific examples of their achievements or projects showcasing their relevant skills and how they can benefit the company. Overall, the candidate should emphasise their ability to work collaboratively, adapt to new challenges, and add value to the company.

Sample Answer:

As a recent graduate in an xxx degree, I have developed strong skills in yyy & relevant skills such as communication, problem-solving, and teamwork. I am a quick learner and eager to learn new skills and technologies to stay up-to-date with the industry.

I also work well in teams and enjoy working together to accomplish shared goals. My skills and experiences would be an asset to this company, and I am committed to contributing my best effort to help the company achieve its goals.

5. What Role Do You Tend To Play In A Team?

The interviewer may ask to understand the candidate’s working style and how they approach team dynamics. The interviewer may also ask follow-up questions to understand how the candidate collaborates with others and handles team conflicts.

For freshers, it’s important to emphasise their eagerness to learn from others and their commitment to contributing their best effort to the team. The candidate can provide specific examples of their past experiences working in teams, such as coursework, group projects, or extracurricular activities, to demonstrate their ability to work collaboratively and contribute to the team’s success.

Sample Answer:

“I enjoy collaborating with others and contributing to the team’s success. I have typically taken on a supportive role, whether assisting with research or taking on smaller tasks to help move the project forward. I also like to ask questions and listen to others’ perspectives to ensure we consider all viewpoints and make the best decisions for the team.

Effective communication is essential for successful teamwork, and I always strive to communicate clearly and respectfully with my team members. I have expertise in planning tasks and ensuring everyone is on the same page. I am also willing to assume leadership responsibilities when necessary.


In conclusion, having a strong understanding of these interview questions and answers for freshers will help you nail your interview and land that job you’ve been dreaming about.

By learning the top 20 interview questions and answers for freshers from the best software training institute in Chennai, you’ll be ahead of the game and prepared to answer any question they throw at you. Do your research and study well, and show up fully confident for your interview so that you can knock their socks off and get the job offer you deserve!

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