/****************************************************** * Control Statement Task * * Infycle Technologies * * Prepared On : 15-FEB-22 AM +05:30 * *******************************************************/ #1 PLSQL Block to Print ODD Numbers FROM 1 to 10. PLSQL Block to Print Even Numbers FROM 1 to 10. #2 Print All The Number Divisible By 5 up to 50. input value : 5 * ** *** **** ***** #3 1 22 333 4444 55555 #4 1 12 123 1234 12345 #5 ***** **** *** ** * #6 Execute the Program and Print Enjoy Weekend For Saturday & Sunday and Happy weekday for other Days. #7 Print Entered Year is Leap Year or Not Refer Document In AWS Page #8 Get Five Markes From User and Find The Total and Grade >= 400 A >= 300 B >= 200 C >= 100 D < 100 E If the Grade is A Then Print Excellent If the Grade is B Then Print Very Good If the Grade is C Then Print Good If the Grade is D Then Print Fair If the Grade is E Then Print Poor Expected Result Enter value for mark1: 99 Enter value for mark2: 98 Enter value for mark3: 94 Enter value for mark4: 95 Enter value for mark5: 92 ************************************************** Total Marks : 478 Grade : A(Excellent) ************************************************** #9 Control Inside the Loop | Value of X is 0 Control Inside the Loop | Value of X is 1 Control Inside the Loop | Value of X is 2 Control Inside the Loop | Value of X is 3 Control Outside the Loop | Value of X is 4 #10 Give one Example for CONTINUE Keyword #11 Print All The Number Which is Not Divisible By 5 up to 50. 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 .....49