- sunday night 11.59 PM 1.Employees table First_Name has to be print like 'Steven,Neena,Alexander,David,Wisely,Lex,Kimberly'. 2.Employees table First_Name has to be print like as per below format. Steven, Neena 10 Wisely, Lex 20 3.For this value 'Alexander,David,Kimberly,Lex,Neena,Steven,Wisely' print like below format. Alexander David Kimberly Lex Neena Steven Wisely 4.Find the duplicate record by using Analytical Function? (dense_rank, row_number) 5.Find the duplicate record by using Pesudocolumn? 6.DELETE the duplicate record by using Pesudocolumn? 7.DELETE the duplicate record by using Analytical Function? 8.Display the how many employees are working in department_name ? using with clause 9. All the salary have to sum and print like as per below format. NAME SALARY Adam 8200 Alana 3100 Alberto 12000 Alexander 12100 .... ..... Total 691400 10. Find the number of * available for the below , write the query for this. c1 c2 c3 * 1 1 0 0 * 1 * * * * * 11. Find the number of NULL available for the below , write the query for this. c1 c2 c3 2 1 1 NULL 0 0 NULL NULL NULL 2 NULL 2 12.'ORACLE JAVA' Needs to be print JAVA. 13.'ORaCLE JaVA' Find number of 'A' in the given input. 14.Print 1 to 100 by using SQL query. 15.Print 1 to 100 by using SQL query and 5 and 5 multiplication has to be show 1000 16.Print the Maximum salary for the each department. 17. No of records for Equi Join, Left Join, Right Join, Cross Join, Union, Union All, Intersect,Intersect ALL, Minus T1 T2 ------- c1 c1 ------- 1 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 5 7 18.What will be the output for the below scenario. SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'DD/MM/YYYY') FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'DD-MM-YYYY') FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE('10-FEB-22','DD/MM/YYYY') FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'DDMMYYYY') FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE(SYSDATE,'DDMonYY') FROM DUAL; 19.What will be the output for the below scenario. T1 -- ID -- 1 2 NULL space 3 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM T1; SELECT COUNT(0) FROM T1; SELECT COUNT('A') FROM T1; SELECT COUNT(ID) FROM T1; 20.'g@r#e%a!t' -it has to be show like great. 21.'g@r#e%a!t' -it has to be show like special character only. 22.Print all the Employee_id, Employee_name and Manager name in the employees table? 23.Fetch the first 10 records from the Employees_table without using function or pesudocolumn or analytical function. 24.Who are all getting salary more than their manager salary. 25. Who are all hired before thair manager. 26.Write a query to update the Female employees to Male and Male employees to Female. T1 -- c1 -- M M F M F 27. T1 -- C1 -- 1 2.456 3.1 4.56 It has to be show like Without decimal - has to be add three zero. With one decimal - has to be add one zero. T1 -- C1 -- 1.000 2.456 3.10 4.56 28.Create two tables in database: table_1 and table_2 table_1 should have two columns : flight_number (integer), departure_time (time format) table_2 should have two columns : flight_number (integer), destination (varchar) Create the following records in table_1: 001, 11:00 002, 13:00 003, 14:00 004, 09:00 005, 10:00 006, 21:00 007, 20:00 008, 19:00 009, 14:00 010: 14:30 Create the following records in table_2: 001, Delhi 002, Goa 003, Delhi 004, Goa 005, Delhi 006, Goa 007, Delhi 008, Goa 009, Delhi 010: Goa a. Display all flight numbers which depart on or after 13:00 to Delhi b. Display all flight numbers which depart on or before 13:00 to Goa 29.Who are all working under manager? 30.Who are all not working as manager? 31.Who have more than 30 years experience and they joind in quarter 1 ? 32. Output be like A,B,C,D,E Table_A ------------ C1 C2 -- -- A,B,C C,D,E CREATE TABLE R1(C1 VARCHAR2(10), C2 VARCHAR2(10)); INSERT INTO R1(C1,C2) VALUES ('A,B,C','C,D,E');